Facebook Powerball frenzy: Purported winner offers to ‘share’ $1 million

His name is Nolan Daniels, and he’s just about to give some random dude or dudette $ 1 million. Or so he claims.

Purporting to be the second Powerball winner in Wednesday’s $ 588 million payout, Mr. Daniels posted a Facebook photo late Thursday of himself holding a ticket showing the winning numbers. The photo is the only one visible on Daniels’s account, which dates to 2008.

“Looks like I’m not going to work … EVER!!!” the smiling purported winner exclaimed. The numbers on his ticket – 5-23-16-22-29-Powerball 6 – correspond to the winning combination, but the ticket has not been publicly verified.

To make the Facebook announcement that much more bizarre, Daniels vowed to give $ 1 million of his winnings to a “random” person who “shares” his photo.

That set off a frenzy Friday as thousands of Facebook users got in on the action, with the photo being shared over 1,000 times a minute, with over 100,000 shares as of 3:30 p.m.

On his Facebook page, Daniels chastised skeptics and suggested, “Anyone who doubts the legitimacy of this photo will not be included in the 1 million dollar drawing.”

There were two winners in the drawing. The only winners confirmed so far are Cindy and Mark Hill of Dearborn, Mo., who decided to take a lump sum payment. Lottery authorities have not revealed the name of the other winner, who bought a ticket in Arizona. Earlier on Friday, some guessed that a video of a man celebrating in Maryland might show the winner.

The payout is the second largest in US history after three ticket buyers shared a $ 656 million jackpot in March. As the amount grew this week, tickets were selling at a rate of 130,000 a minute.

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Weird but true

The ’70s really were pretty groovy.

Students at Cordon Porter HS in Indiana opened a time capsule from 1979 and found a bunch of items that would be frowned upon in the zero-tolerance 21st century — including an empty bottle of Jack Daniels and tickets to the Doobie Brothers.


This could be the future of crime fighting — do-it-yourself arrests.

A Pennsylvania man got drunk, stole a car and drove to a State Police barracks. where he walked into the lobby and told troopers what he had done, authorities said.

For good measure, he also allegedly admitted that he had no driver’s license.


Yule be panicked if you don’t look closely.

The Fire Department in Regina, Canada, was swamped with reports of a blaze at a football stadium after officials ran moving images of a burning yule log on a huge video screen outside the field.

From a distance, the video looked like real flames.


Officials at a Swedish nursing home were shocked when a 105-year-old female resident was sent a letter offering her a spot in a local preschool class.

The woman got a chance to hang out with toddlers because officials sent pre-school applications to everyone in the town who had been born in ’07 — but they never bothered to check if the individuals were born in 2007 or 1907.


Now everyone can look as handsome as Saddam Hussein.

Mustache transplants have become all the rage across the Middle East, as men desperate to look as macho as a desert dictator turn to medical means to find that hirsute look.

The “transplant” is done by taking hair from one part of the body and putting it on the upper lip.

What part does it come from? Do you really want to know?

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Boat Show may block Miami’s 2016 Super Bowl bid

This winter, the biggest NFL match-up in South Florida might be Super Bowl versus Boat Show.

As South Florida readies a bid for the 2016 Super Bowl, it must contend with a major potential conflict on the tourism calendar. The National Football League may move the Super Bowl to Presidents’ Day weekend, already home to the five-day Miami International Boat Show since the 1940s.

It’s a significant enough conflict that, in the past, local tourism officials have declined to pursue a Super Bowl if it fell on boat show weekend. But this time around they may have no choice. For the first time, the NFL is requiring that potential host cities agree to a Presidents’ Day weekend Super Bowl if they want to pursue the big game at all, said two people who have seen the NFL request for Super Bowl bids.

The NFL “invited South Florida [to bid] knowing there was going to be an issue with Presidents’ Day weekend and the boat show,” said Nicki Grossman, Broward’s tourism director. “In the past, South Florida has not responded to a Super Bowl date that included Presidents’ Day weekend. This package is different.”

South Florida vies with New Orleans as the top Super Bowl host, with government and tourism leaders touting the game as both a boon to the economy and a publicity bonanza. But the notion of accommodating both Super Bowl and boat show — not to mention a major arts festival in Coconut Grove — strikes some top tourism officials as a bad idea.

“There is not sufficient hotel inventory available in Miami that weekend to host a Super Bowl,” said William Talbert, president of the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau. “We have taken a close look at that weekend, and it’s not physically possible in Miami to host Super Bowl during the Presidents’ Day weekend because of the boat show and the Coconut Grove Arts Festival. The hotel inventory is all being used for these two great events.”

His comments are at odds with the region’s top Super Bowl organizer and reflect the burden that the boat show may be to South Florida’s Super Bowl hopes for 2016 and 2017. The NFL invited Miami and San Francisco to bid for the 2016 Super Bowl by April 1, with the loser vying with Houston for the 2017 game. Talbert said the bid package states both decisions will be made in May.

For now, South Florida’s Super Bowl organizers face a largely hypothetical challenge, because the current NFL schedule has the Super Bowl occurring two weeks before Presidents’ Day weekend. The bid requirements for the ’16 and ’17 Super Bowls include three consecutive weekends as possibilities for the game, with the latest falling on the Presidents’ Day holiday.

Still, possible logistical hurdles may combine with political obstacles if the Miami Dolphins resume their push for a tax-funded renovation of Sun Life Stadium, the Super Bowl’s South Florida home.

Last year, the Dolphins proposed that Broward and Miami-Dade counties subsidize a $225 million renovation at Sun Life as a way to keep the region competitive for Super Bowls and other large events. The renovation includes a partial roof that would prevent the kind of drenching Super Bowl spectators suffered in 2007 when a rare February downpour hit Miami Gardens.

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Artwork of young Miami-Dade artist will be showcased during Art Basel week

A week into his 18th birthday, Rey “Rson” Jaffet is already a promising local artist - and he’s still attending high school in the Miami-Dade public school system.

And this period in his life is what his art tries to capture, said the Miami Palmetto High senior. “It’s that point when you’re a teen but are maturing into adulthood,’’ he said.

Fittingly, many of his artwork is done with children’s colored pencils and spray paint.

Jaffet might be young but he’s an old hand at art. He sold his first piece in 10th grade for $5,000. It was a colorful three-panel African-themed work called New Horizon.

Next week, Jaffet will join thousands of older local and international artists who will have their artwork on display in Miami Beach and Wynwood as part of Art Basel week.

Several Jaffet pieces will hang at the 50 Shades of Art Show at the 1004 Gallery in Wynwood at 175 NW 23rd St.

Meet and greet with the artists will be from 6:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Saturday and next Wednesday. His works sells for between $1,000 to $5,000.

Among the pieces showcased at the gallery is Jaffet’s award-winning self-portrait called Split Decision Within, which reveals inner struggle. “Through my art, I try to portray hardships, achievements and misunderstanding as it relates to the modern teenage lifestyle,” he said.

The Kendall resident recently won the prestigious 2012 National Scholastic American Visions Drawing Award, which honors outstanding pieces in the nation which are then displayed in Carnegie Hall in New York. He won for his self-portrait.

Jaffet’s work is also part of the 2012-2013 Art.Write.Now Tour that will visit Detroit, Virginia Beach, Kansas City and Fort Worth.

And it’s not his first time in the big art arena. His work was on display in Wynwood/South Beach during Art Basel 2011.

Jaffet's artistic style is described as “encompassing modern realism along with urban influences.”

Jaffet’s says he also works with oils, acrylics, mixed media, graffiti and designs sneakers.

Jaffet, who lives in Kendall, is the son of physical therapist parents; his father is an athletic trainer for the Miami Heat. Jaffet has the support of his family and two respected local artists — Miguel Paredes and Enrique "Sero" Cruz — who have taken Jaffet under their wing. “They’ve been wonderful to me,” he said.

Jaffet’s goal now is to win a scholarship to a prestigious art school.

“Then I want to be a full-time artist for the rest of my life,’’ he said.

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Apple overcomes last hurdle, iPhone 5 cleared for sale in China as Android continues to dominate

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$1 mil or bust

He took a $1 million roll of the dice — and wound up rolling in Benjamins.

The German man who returned cheapskate rapper Ryan Leslie’s laptop said yesterday he knew there was a good chance the jury in his suit against the hip-hopper might rule against him — but settling the case was not an option.

“I understood the risk,” said Armin Augstein, 54. “One never knows how a matter will be decided by a jury, but I was prepared to take that risk.”

The gamble paid off.

The Manhattan federal jury on Wednesday awarded Augstein the $1 million reward Leslie had promised to whomever returned his laptop. But during the panel’s deliberations, victory for the German auto-shop owner did not seem so sure.

Steven Hirsch

Armin Augstein

At one point, the jurors asked the judge if they could give Augstein less than the promised amount.

“We feel the $1 million is too high,” the jurors said in a note to Judge Harold Baer Jr. The judge told them that they had to choose to give the million — or nothing.

That inspired Leslie’s camp to make a desperate 11th-hour settlement bid. Augstein’s lawyers flatly turned it down, trusting the panel would side with them.

“There had never been a negotiation. I wasn’t present and [my attorney] was not authorized to discuss anything other than my million-dollar claim,” Augstein said during a conference call from Germany with attorney Steven Thal translating.

Augstein found the computer in November 2010 while walking his dog outside Cologne, and turned it over to local police.

He had taken Leslie’s promise of $1 million in reward money for his missing MacBook Pro at face value and pursued it over two years.

“He never told me a ‘thank you’ or, ‘Super, you really found this for me and I’m happy.’ He could have said, ‘I will check on the facts and get back to you,’ but he didn’t do anything, so I decided to stay with [my claim],” said Augstein, adding he has no plans yet to spend his windfall.

Leslie — an acclaimed songwriter who tried to weasel out of his promise because he couldn’t retrieve some songs on the hard drive — will apparently keep fighting.

“Don’t believe everything you read in the f--kin news. Even though it’s very entertaining,” he tweeted yesterday along with a photo of the day’s Post.

His attorney David DeStefano added, “We have very serious grounds for appeal.”


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California Pizza Kitchen brings prototype to Sawgrass Mills

The restaurant chain that took barbecued chicken pizza mainstream is ready to push the culinary envelope again. How about a pizza topped with roasted Brussels sprouts and applewood smoked bacon or a Korean barbecue pizza with pork loin and spicy kimchee salad?

Innovative menu items are just one piece of what’s unique about California Pizza Kitchen’s new flagship restaurant unveiled Thursday at Sawgrass Mills in Sunrise. The first of its kind, the Sawgrass location aims to reinvigorate the brand that started in 1985 in Beverly Hills.

“The whole idea is about taking the best of what put us on the map and making it relevant for 2012 and beyond,” said G.J. Hart, who took over as chief executive officer of the chain just over a year ago. “Over the years the brand morphed from being a leader and it became a follower of food trends. We want to bring back the hip, cool feel.”

The changes are obvious from the moment you walk into the restaurant, which opens to the public Monday. The new look is all about focusing on the chain’s California roots. Very little of the bright yellow and chrome remains. The design is California-casual with earth tones and reclaimed wood everywhere from the walls to the floor and tables. An outdoor terrace with couches and fire pits is designed to encourage lingering. Large windows and glass doors let in lots of natural light and fold open to enjoy the weather.

Pizza is center stage with the kitchen designed so diners can watch the pizza makers at work. At the Sawgrass location — and by mid-2013 at all restaurants — pizzas will once again by hand-tossed. Currently the chain uses a pizza press to make the dough more uniform.

The new focus is on upping the culinary quotient across the board with dishes like a roasted beets and whipped goat cheese salad, plus a sweet pea carbonara featuring pea-filled pasta purses tossed with Italian pancetta and a Romano cream sauce. These are some of the unique items only on the Sawgrass menu, which also features a specialty menu of hand-crafted cocktails.

Chain-wide the company has actually slimmed the menu from more than 100 items to 74 in order to improve execution. But there are also more healthy choices like quinoa and arugula salad or a fire-roasted chile relleno stuffed with chicken, cheese, mushrooms, spinach and eggplant that dishes up at only 380 calories.

“As we grew, we didn’t keep up with the creativity on the menu and we tried to be all things to all people,” said Brian Sullivan, senior vice president of culinary innovation, who has been with the company for 24 years. “We’re always going to be pizza-centric. But we’ll continue to push the envelope with these specialty items that resonate with who we are. We don’t want items that you are going to see in other restaurants.”

The chain chose Sawgrass to unveil its new flagship location because of a combination of the area’s diverse demographic base and the influx of international visitors. South Florida has already been a strong market for the brand, which has seven locations in the tri-county area stretching from Coral Gables to Palm Beach Gardens.

The opening is the culmination of a new vision that began to take shape when Golden Gate Capital purchased California Pizza Kitchen in July 2011 for $470 million, taking the company private and bringing in Hart as the new chief executive.

“They saw a brand that was undervalued,” said Hart, who has an ownership stake in the chain. “This is an iconic brand with so much brand equity. If we can bring the excitement and enthusiasm back we’re only going to see it go up.”

Industry experts say the changes make sense because the brand still has a loyal following, although it has not kept pace with the competition.

“It’s a good time for them to go back to what were the fundamental things that made the brand so intriguing,” said Dennis Lombardi of WD Partners, a restaurant industry consultant. “The difficulty is going to be getting the word out to consumers that this is different. The devil is always in the details in these kind of evolutions.”

Based on consumer reaction, the plan is to take pieces of the Sunrise concept and introduce it into the chain’s other 268 existing restaurants. Some restaurants could be completely remodeled, but most will only get elements of the new prototype, which cost $2 million in Sunrise, Hart said. The company’s Fort Lauderdale and Boca Raton locations could be strong candidates for remodeling next year or early 2014, he said.

Community and business leaders, who got a first look at the restaurant on Thursday, were impressed.

“This is phenomenal,” said Luanne Lenberg, general manager of Sawgrass Mills. “We’re so excited to have this caliber of restaurant and to be their test for the rest of the world.”

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Miami-Dade ethics board rebukes two city of Miami commissioners

The county ethics commission dinged Miami Commissioner Frank Carollo this week for phoning the police chief after Carollo was pulled over for a traffic stop.

Separately, Miami Commission Vice Chairman Marc Sarnoff was reprimanded for not filing a gift disclosure when the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau paid his way to Brazil.

Sarnoff said his travels did not constitute a gift because he carried out public business. “I did everything I could do, including getting legal advice, to determine that the trip was not a gift,” he said.

Carollo denied wrongdoing in a response to the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust written by his attorney. He declined comment Wednesday.

The grievance against Carollo said that he called Miami Police Chief Manuel Orosa during a traffic stop in Coconut Grove in August. Carollo was pulled over after attempting to drive his black Lexus around a stopped recycling truck. He called the chief, who called the district commander, who reached out to the officer making the traffic stop.

The officer let Carollo go with a warning.

In the written response to the ethics commission, Carollo’s attorney said the commissioner had never asked Orosa for special treatment. Rather, Carollo called the chief “to inquire ‘what the problem was’ since the circumstances seemed odd.”

The “odd circumstances” included another car stop in the area.

“Commissioner Carollo’s request for a status [report] was well within his authority to communicate with the police chief, and was not accompanied by any request to obtain any resolution of the vehicle stop,” attorney Benedict Kuehne wrote.

Kuehne added: “The officer made the very reasonable decision to issue no traffic citation because the circumstances did not warrant the issuance of a ticket.”

Orosa also told investigators that Carollo had not asked for any favors.

But the ethics commission concluded that Carollo “clearly intended to use his influence with the police chief to avoid a traffic citation.”

“There was no legitimate reason for Carollo to call the chief of police other than to put into motion a chain of events that Carollo hoped would extricate him from a traffic situation that ordinary citizens find themselves in every day,” the ethics commission wrote.

The complaint against Sarnoff involved a trip he and his wife took to Brazil in April.

The pair went to watch the yachts in the Volvo Ocean Race depart Itajai for Miami, the next port of call. Sarnoff also travelled to Rio and Sao Paulo, with the Convention & Visitors Bureau footing the bill for his travel, lodging and meals.

Sarnoff did not disclose the trip as a gift, nor did he disclose that the Volvo Ocean Race had reimbursed him for his wife’s roundtrip airfare.

Sarnoff said he was acting on advice from Miami City Attorney Julie O. Bru. In a legal opinion, Bru said disclosure was unnecessary because the trip did not constitute a gift, but rather city business.

“I never held this secret,” Sarnoff said. “I did everything I was supposed to do. I talked about it openly.” He described the trip as “105 percent work.”

As for Teresa Sarnoff’s travel expenses, Marc Sarnoff said they, too, were incurred during “official” city business.

“The commissioner was unquestionably assisted in his official duties by Ms. Sarnoff and he quite honestly believed that Ms. Sarnoff was conducting city business,” Sarnoff’s attorney, John Dellagloria, wrote in a response to the ethics commission’s findings.

The ethics commission has said that elected officials don’t have to declare tickets to local events they attend for professional reasons. But according to the final report on the Sarnoff case, “all-expense paid trips to distant and exotic locales deserve different consideration since the grandiose scale of the gift creates a larger appearance of impropriety.”

The ethics commission will send a letter to Sarnoff suggesting he report his wife’s travel expenses as a gift. Another letter will be sent to the Miami city attorney to clarify when business trips must be reported as gifts.

The two complaints were filed last month by blogger Al Crespo.

Sarnoff also took a trip to China this year, where he watched the Miami Heat play a preseason game against the Los Angeles Clippers. In October, Sarnoff said the Heat paid for his flight and hotel. On Wednesday, he said the Shanghai Sports Bureau paid for him and his wife.

He now plans to declare that trip as a gift, he said.

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U.S. daily deals website Living Social to cut 400 jobs: WSJ

(Reuters) – U.S. daily deals online firm Living Social Inc is expected to announce on Thursday it is cutting 400 jobs, representing 9 percent of its workforce, as demand for daily deals and emailed daily discounts dries up, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing a source familiar with the plans.

The Washington-based company’s workforce has increased nearly 10-fold since the beginning of 2010 and it currently employs about 4,500 people worldwide, the Journal said. (http://link.reuters.com/rus34t)

Retail website Amazon.Com Inc owns a 30 percent stake in Living Social and booked a third-quarter charge of $ 169 million on the holding.

Living Social declined to comment to Reuters on the Journal report.

(Reporting By Neha Dimri and Alistair Barr; Editing by Muralikumar Anantharaman)

Internet News Headlines – Yahoo! News

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Phoning in homework

When your kids say they’re doing homework on the phone, they may be telling the truth.

More than a third of US tweens and young teens are using smartphones to do homework, with Hispanic students using them at a higher rate than African-Americans or whites, according to a survey released yesterday by the research firm TRU. Smartphones were used for homework by 39 percent of 11-to-14-year-olds.

“These middle school students are using mobile devices for more than entertainment purposes,” said Kristi Sarmiento, research director at TRU, in an interview. “They have grown up with this technology.”

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